Friday, April 29, 2011

Double Take

Guess who's who? 



Now tell me that isn't crazy

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Nice Surprise

Kinsley's daycare is on the same campus as my work. It takes me about 5 minutes to walk from my desk to her crib. On my lunch breaks I usually walk over and see her. One day last week I got a nice surprise.... Kinsley's teachers brought her over to my building for a quick hello. Later that day when I picked up Kinsley, she was on the playground. I stayed for about 10 minutes and played with her. It was an extra special day for me. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Today was officially Easter. So - to all my friends and family, HAPPY EASTER! Kinsley and I had a busy day. I was able to clean the whole house, and do laundry while she took her afternoon nap, and we also had some time to play before and after. Then we went to visit daddy at the station since he had to work. After hanging out with daddy, we went to the grandparents house for "egg hunting" and Easter dinner. Then Kinsley and I came home  to walk Maverick and finish a few other things. We finished the day with some cuddle time, and then Kinsley was down for the count! 

A Day at the Pool

Saturday was family day and being that it was so nice out, we decided to spend it by the pool. Kinsley loves the water, so it's always fun to watch her slash around. 

After Kinsley went swimming, she got cleaned up and put on a pretty summer dress. 

Crawling and Clapping

Kinsley started crawling and clapping in the last week or two. She is still trying to master the crawling, but her clapping is her new found glory. She pretty much claps at anything and everything. 


Friday, April 22, 2011

A Little Girl with a Big Voice

No words are needed! 
There is a part I to this video, but unfortunately it is having problems posting. The video might be too long. It's a shame, because it's 10x funnier than this one. Oh well! 

(if you need to pause the music, the playlist is at the bottom of the page)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I LOVE Mommy and Daddy

Kinsley bitting me:

Big hug for daddy:

Going Shopping

Kinsley is now sitting in a shopping cart, instead of having to keep her in a car seat carrier. She loves it because she can see so much more.