Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Orleans!

Last weekend I went to New Orleans for a Bachelorette Party, and boy was it fun! I didn't get to take many pictures (it's not the kind of place you bring a nice camera) but we snapped a few when we could and mostly on our phones. 

This was our first night out:

The next day (our first day there), we did a lot of walking around and "site seeing".

Cafe Du Monde is were we had beignets and coffee (which are delicious):

JAX - This is were we had lunch:

This is the local market:

On the way back to our room we got a "fish bowl" to share while we were getting ready:

I love all the street music:

This group was really good:

This was Little Black Dress night (the Bride is in white):

Our second day there we took the car to go site seeing. In New Orleans the coffins are above ground. Kinda cool looking too:

Old Fire House which is now a museum:

Armstrong park:

We made friends with this little fella:

Our last night there we had a drink at the Carousel Bar. The bar stools actually go around the bar. So cool! 

I love this place - it's so romantic looking. It's called Two Sisters. We didn't actually get to eat here, but it was so pretty that we couldn't help but look:

And for a little late night silliness!
The story behind this - it cost $38 a day to park (we found it for cheaper across the street). It cost $25 to use the pool (which we were not going to pay). We really wanted to go swimming... so after one night of a drink or two we decided to dip out toes into the fancy fountain, and for free I might add! =)
We are so rebellious! ;)

it's freezing cold:

Oh ya, and we played their piano... it might have been a little late, but at least it was on a separate floor than all the rooms. 

The greatest part was coming home to my two favorite people. I had so much fun and would do it 10 fold, but there is no better feeling than coming home. And Kinsley loved her souvenir of course!