Monday, April 14, 2014

You are my sunshine!


Kinsley wrote all our names on a piece of paper with no help. The only thing she asked us to do was to tell her how to spell daddy's name. Not bad for a 3 year old, not bad at all. 

One Spark at Downtown Jacksonville

This is the second year Jacksonville has hosted One Spark. Its a unique 4 day festival that promotes new business and ideas. These are some pictures of one of the days we went:


Good music makes people dance in the street. Kinsley made me dance with her a couple times:

After some tired legs, Kinsley hitch a ride on daddy's shoulders:

We stopped for some dinner at Chomp Chomp and Kinsley and I were being silly while waiting on our food:

This was one of the dancers preforming in the street. My elbow hurts just looking at it:

Award Ceromony

Kinsley got an award for "Outstanding Christian Citizenship" and we are beyond proud of her. This is a picture of her accepting the award from Mrs. Repper and Father Sal. We are also proud that Kinsley walked up there all by herself and accepted the award. She usually clings to me. 


Rockin' Ever After Disney on Ice

Keith and I took Kinsley to Disney on Ice and she LOVED it! She got all dressed up in her Belle dress and her Aurora purse.

This was a part from Tangled:

Kinsley showing off her wallet where she kept her "ticket". She is also showing off a toy she got:

It was so cool to watch Kinsley's face light up when all her favorite characters came out. 

Three Amigos

A rare picture of all three of us:

This was the day we went to the Blues Festival at the beach!

St Patty's Day

I know it's a little late to be posting this, but these were my St. Patrick Day treats I made for Kinsley's class. 

80's PROM

Keith and I went to a Gala to raise money for Kinsley's school. The theme was 80's Prom.