Friday, February 25, 2011

No More Yogurt

At Kinsley's 6 month check up the doctor told us we can start giving Kinsley some baby yogurt. We ended up trying 2 different kinds, and came to the conclusion that we were going to hold off until 9 months being that she had a reaction to the yogurts. She only broke out where it made contact with her skin, so it doesn't seem to be too serious. At her 9 month check up they may do some test to determine if she is allergic.

6 Month Check Up

For Kinsley's 6 month check up we got her ear's pierced and she had to get 2 shots. When we got to the doctors office I got a little bit nervous because I remembered how she screamed with her last shots. When the doctor finally came back, everything checked out and Kinsley was growing fast. She was in the 50th percent tile for her weight, and off the chart for her height. The nurse's than came in to pierce her ears and give her the shots. When I saw the gun to get her ear's pierced that's when I started getting a little upset. I guess I didn't realize how big the needle was. Luckily they did both ears at the same time so it was quick. I probably cried more than she did and I had to leave the room for her shots because I was so upset. But she soon forgot about all the pain because on the way home she was cooing and smiling. While we were waiting on the doctor to come see us (before all the pain she had to go through), she was playing with the paper on the bench. These are a few pictures before the waterworks!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1st Follower

I was so excited to find out that I had my first follower. And guess who-my hubby, Keith. He is always my number 1 fan! What a lucky girl I am!


Now that Kinsley has figured out how to scoot, she is all over the place. 

...and did I mention she loves cellphones?

Florence + The Machine - You've Got the Love

Who Wears Short Shorts?

The sun has started to come out and it is warming up. I decided to put Kinsley in her first pair of shorts. I "unintentionally"matched her that day. We both wore white shorts and a peach top! Like mother like daughter! Maybe I can get Keith in a matching outfit too. =)

A little bit of Love

For Valentine's Day Kinsley had to wear red for school. Just like her mommy, Kinsley never wear's red. This was her last minute outfit that I found for her and I think she looked adorable. Notice the socks that are meant to look like shoes with bows on them. 


Monday, February 21, 2011

1st Day at the Beach

Today was Kinsley's first time at the beach. We decided to have a small picnic on a patch of grass by the beach, and then we walked on the beach and let Kinsley play with the sand. She absolutely loved it and even tried to eat the sand. We had a great family day, and now we are all tired!  


Beautiful Day!

Yesterday was such a beautiful day, so I decided to do a mini photo shoot with Kinsley. It was the first time Kinsley got to play with dirt. We had a blast. These are a few of my favorites.  

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today I decided to delete my facebook account. I wanted a better way for my family to know what is going on in my life, so I decided to start a Blogger account. My intentions are to be able to post pictures and videos of my family, and provide updates of special events along the way! I hope I made a good decision in going this route. Wish my luck!