Monday, July 11, 2011

A Peek into our new Home



 Entry way:

Formal before and after (not done yet):



Dinning before and after (not done yet):

Den/sunroom before and after (not done yet):



Kitchen before and after (not near done):

Entry way to kitchen:

Mater bedroom before and after (almost done):

Guest room before and after (almost done):

Self's between windows in guest:

Nook in hallway:

Kinsley's Room:

Guest bathroom:

We are not done yet! We still have furniture being delivered and plenty of walls to fill. I still have to accessorize and figure out what should go where. We have come a long way in 3 weeks and we are super excited to be in our first official own home! Hope you enjoy the pictures... more to come once we get a little further. 

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