Thursday, May 31, 2012

Here's a tip:

Use tape to measure between the two holes and then put the tape on the wall.
Thanks Pinterest!

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Anniversery

Today is our 3 year anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to the best husband I could have asked for. I'm looking forward to another great year!

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

St. Johns Virgin Island

Here are some (okay...A LOT) of pictures from our trip to St. Johns Virgin Island.

This is a picture from the first night we got there. It just got done raining and if you look closely you can see a rainbow!

Here are some pictures of the house we rented. The pictures honestly don't do the house justice. It was the perfect little island house:

Here are the cute spiral stairs that took us down to our room:

Here are some views from our house:

We went on a hike one day. I like to think I'm a pretty decent out-doorsy person, but I'll tell you what... that hike wasn't easy. I don't know if it was the multiple sugary island cocktails, the limited water I drank or the loads of unhealthy foods I ate...maybe a combination of all! But coming back up from the hike was a challenge. I would estimate the total hike to be about 8 miles and the last mile (the challenging one) was all straight up hill.

Keith and I being hugged by a massive tree root:

The stairs to an ancient structure:

A peek at the ocean from our hike:

Can you see the ancient face drawings on the rock?:

Old sugar mill we came across:

So remember that deer I wrote about the other day?.... This is him. We were literally feet away from him and he was staring directly at us. You would think he would have run away, but he just stood there staring:

About 10 feet away from the deer was the ocean. I wonder if he just got done swimming from another island and was too tired to run from us.

After our hike we had worked up a pretty good appetite. We went and grabbed a bite to eat and this was our view. Pretty awesome right?

We went snorkeling 2 days. The first day we rented a dinghy boat and went to a few different bays (Trunk Bay and Cinnamon Bay were the best). The second day we went snorkeling, we drove there. This time we snorkeled at Waterlemon Bay. We had to take Leinster Bay Trail to get to Waterlemon Bay.

This is the boat we rented (we are pulling up to Trunk Bay):

Keith getting ready to go snorkeling:

I guess if I am going to post of picture of him looking goofy, it’s only fair that I post an even more 
ridiculous picture of myself:

On the drive back home we stopped and admired the views:

While admiring the beautiful views, we saw an ass! No really... we did!

So here is another unexpected thing... There are a bunch of wild donkeys roaming the Island. We were just standing on the ledge taking a bunch of pictures and we look down and we were literally standing over the donkeys.

Look at the views... absolutely amazing!!

All the people on the beach look like tiny little ants:

Another unexpected thing.... It rained for a short period one day and all of a sudden we had an unexpected visitor on our pool ledge...this huge Iguana.

One of the restaurants we ate at had a beautiful view and some pretty good food and drinks too!

We went deep sea fishing one day. I was a first timer so I didn't want to get off the boat until I caught a fish... and I did. I caught a King Fish which was pretty exciting for me. Keith caught 2 barracudas that we had to throw back in the water. His fish weren’t good enough to keep =)

I guess our Iguana visitor brought back all his friends to say goodbye. On our last day at our rental house Keith and I were enjoying the views and noticed that there were apx. 15 Iguana’s sitting on top of the trees. Apparently they sit up there and sunbath and eat leaves. Pretty interesting!

This is the main beach in Cruz Bay:

Some of those delicious sugary drinks I was talking about:

The last day in St. Johns we spent at the pool:

And we drank some deadly Voodoo Juice:

And we attempted to run across the small tube that connects the two trampolines together…. Try doing this after Voodoo Juice!

All in all we had a great trip and Keith and I add some more memories to our lives. We missed the heck out of our beautiful baby girl and we are glad to be back home with her!