Monday, July 2, 2012

Family weekend

This weekend was a great weekend with the family. Keith and Kinsley both impressed me! Keith managed to fix our fan dilemma in our sunroom. We now have a working fan and light! Kinsley conquered the water this weekend. On Saturday we went to the beach and she spent the whole time in the water. In fact, she cried if we took her out of the water or we had to bribe her with crackers to get her out. The last time we were at the beach she would go in the water but she wanted to be held and would still get scared. On Sunday we went to the pool and Keith taught Kinsley how to swim. By the end of it she was jumping in the pool with Keith, and would swim to the steps by herself. Of course I didn’t have my camera with me this weekend, but I will try upload a video we took.


Anonymous said...

The video you sent me was so cute! She really is growing up so fast she is going to be a cool little kid just like her parents :)
<3 you guys

Liana Turner said...

Crazier, you were exactly the same when it came to leaving the beach...... You would cry and cry. Just spent a night with your mom in the sunshine coast. Was awesome to see her. Sending lots of love to you my beautiful cuzzie xxxxxx

Liana Turner said...

Crazier, you were exactly the same when it came to leaving the beach...... You would cry and cry. Just spent a night with your mom in the sunshine coast. Was awesome to see her. Sending lots of love to you my beautiful cuzzie xxxxxx