Friday, October 12, 2012

Snuggled, warm and dry!

Potty trainging in action

Kinsley has been fimilar with the potty for a while now (we introduced it around 18 months). She does extremely well with it considering she is only 2, and I expect that she will be fully trained by 2 and a half. It's really a delay on my behalf. Let's face it... it's very time consuming and I admit getting a little lazy there for a while. Now that she is in her PT class and they also work with her on the potty, I had to step it up. She is 80% - 90% there and I can't wait to save all that money from diapers!

I am sure these pictures will embarrace her one day! Oh well... what are parents for? =)

My little CUTIE PIE!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hanging out in PJ's

Kinsley and Bacchus

Sometimes Keith and I feel bad for B, because he is getting so old and he can't really do much. It's nice to know that Kinsley gives him a little extra love. 

Best Buds!

The Family!

We never get pictures of all 3 of us, and of course when we do it's right after I get done working out. 

Dress Up

Kinsley was helping me put away the laundry and she found daddy's uniform shirt and wanted to put it on. She couldn't really walk without tripping over it. 

A friendly visitor

Kinsley and I saw this butterfly flying outside our house one day. Kinsley chased her all over the yard!

I thought this was a pretty neat pictures: