Friday, October 12, 2012

Potty trainging in action

Kinsley has been fimilar with the potty for a while now (we introduced it around 18 months). She does extremely well with it considering she is only 2, and I expect that she will be fully trained by 2 and a half. It's really a delay on my behalf. Let's face it... it's very time consuming and I admit getting a little lazy there for a while. Now that she is in her PT class and they also work with her on the potty, I had to step it up. She is 80% - 90% there and I can't wait to save all that money from diapers!

I am sure these pictures will embarrace her one day! Oh well... what are parents for? =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get that little brat on her knees I got a big cock that needs to be sucked off