Monday, March 3, 2014

Park City, Utah 2014

This was our second enjoyable year at Park City, Utah. 

This was our view from the house we rented which was also very close to the resort where we skied:

The entrance to Park City Mountain Resort:

Keith and I on day 1 of skiing:

The "girls" getting ready for our intermediate lesson (which we all did great at):

can you say "cone head"?

Day 1 of skiing also happened to be Valentine's Day. We had made reservations to all go out to dinner that night. This is right outside the house we were renting and we were on our way to dinner:

Keith and I at Valentine's Day dinner at Grappa on Main Street:

This was the view from the restaurant:

This was day 2 of skiing in which all the girls made it to the Summit Restaurant (which was at the very top of Home Run - a green run):

See the man skiing in a Sumo Suit? Funny huh?:

Keith and I went to No Name Saloon one night, which is one of our favorite hang out spots in Park City:

On day 3 of skiing I made it to some blue runs for the first time. I was super proud of myself!!! I think I did about 3 or 4 blue runs that day. The views just got better and better (and the slopes got steeper and steeper):

Keith and I made it to another mountain restaurant which I believe was at the top of some blue runs. That day (day 3) Keith and I went and explored the mountains together and went on some runs neither one of us had been on before. It was amazing exploring parts of the mountain I had never seen. The year before I mainly stayed on the bunnies and made it to Home Run (a green) a few times. So this year was a huge improvement for me and I got to see so much more. When we made it to the restaurant it was snowing, so we ate lunch on the deck in the snow. It was pretty cool. Of course, when we were ready to go down some runs, they had closed everything down for about 30 minutes due to lightening. 

This was our last day (day 4) of skiing in which I mainly skied blue runs. We were there for 4 full days and we skied all of them. It was AWESOME and I honestly can't wait to go again:

So, this isn't a very good picture, but this gives you and idea of what Main Street looks like at night: 

Maybe next time I go skiing I will make it to some black runs? lol - probably not. =)

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

Beautiful pictures...