Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sweet Petes

Kinsley and I made a trip to Sweet Petes where Kinsley took a candy making class. She had a lot of fun decorating her chocolate covered cookies and listening to a story about Curious George in a chocolate factory. After the class and story time, Kinsley had a tour of the chocolate factory. 

This was right before the class begun: 

This is where they explained how chocolate is made and what temperature it needs to be. They talked about how they melt the chocolate first and to cool it down they put it on a cold slab of marble:

They gave the kids a trick on how they tell if the chocolate is ready. You put a little on your wrist to see if it has cooled down... :

...and of course they loved that trick because they got to taste the chocolate:

Finally they got their chocolate covered cookies:

Here is where they told the story about Curious George in a chocolate factory:

Now that their chocolate had cooled and hardened, they could put them away in a bag to take home and eat later:

Then it was time for a tour of the candy store and chocolate factory:

After the class and tour we had lunch at Candy Apple which is a part of Sweet Petes. It was quite delicious. They had lots of candy inspired drinks and yummy food. 

We couldn't leave a candy store empty handed so we went back to the candy store and loaded up on some sugar:

That was our fun adventure to Sweet Petes. If you are in Jacksonville, you should check it out. They have plenty of different classes to take for all ages. 

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