Monday, June 27, 2011


We should have Internet by the end of Thursday (keep your fingers crossed). So I should be able to post pictures of the new house this weekend. We are still not done with everything but we are getting closer. The next pictures I post will be like the half way point.

PS. all posts that I have recently posted are from my phone and not from my home computer so I can't download my camera pictures and post them.

Getting into things...

Kinsley is and has been getting into EVERYTHING! Keith and I are constantly chasing after her and let's just say it is tiring. But it is also fun to watch her explore and discover new things. She has also started waving good bye and making clicking noises with her mouth (she copies Keith and I). She is growing and learning so much these days and it is hard to believe that she will be one in less than 2 months.

Kinsley climbing the couch and hitting the blinds:

Kinsley crawling to the fireplace and playing with the dirty fireplace items:

Kinsley climbing the side table to get the remotes:

Kinsley getting caught climbing:


What a wonderful weekend I just had! I had my first semi-relaxing weekend in a long time. We had some friends come over to our new home for a tour and then we went and had lunch in San Marco Square.  We also went shopping in our new Publix for the very first time! (It's the little things that excite us). Sunday Keith had to work but Kinsley and I had a busy day. We had a delivery in the morning, my dad came over for lunch, Lindsay came over after lunch and hung out for a couple hours and then I got to go to dinner and a movie with some girls. The movie was "Bridesmaids" which is probably one of my favorite movies right now. I couldn't stop laughing it was so good! Now it is back to work and being busy busy busy... next weekend is only a few days away! =)

Who's that Doggie in the Window? Ruff Ruff

Friday, June 24, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Work in Progress

We have officially owned our home for 1 week now and it is still a work in progress. Last night we finally got the walls to the sun room/den painted and our couch and TV set up. We can at least watch TV in the den, but I still have a long way to go until I get it looking like I want. I have a chair being re-covered which takes 3 weeks. I also have to go pillow shopping this weekend. Some accessories, maybe a rug and then I can dust my hands clean (at least with the den)!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Well, we are officially in our new home! I still have boxes to unpack and closets to organize but we are getting there. Our sun room/den is still being worked on and hopefully it will be somewhat done today. My new comfortable couch was delivered last night and I am just dying to set it up (it is still wrapped in plastic). The walls are pretty empty still and I am not looking forward to the challenge of hanging pictures (the walls are like concrete). If anyone knows how Keith and I hang pictures you will understand why I am dreading this. This is how Keith and I hang a picture: We hold the picture against the wall, we pull it away and we hammer a nail based on our visual memory. It is NEVER right the first time, and lucky if it right the second time. Needless to say when we are done the walls look like swiss cheese.

This is what our sun room/ den looks like now:

Funny story: if you look at the left side of this picture you will see that the doorway is somewhat taped with plastic. Well, at one point it was completely taped up. The 3 of us went to dinner the other night and when we came home we couldn't find Bacchus anywhere. Needless to say he had walked right through the plastic and tore a little opening and was hanging out in the sun room. I guess he is looking forward to it just as much as I am.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Water Play Day

Today was water play day at Kinsley's school. Let's just say Kinsley may have been a mermaid in her previous life! This girl loves water! She had a blast playing with her school friends and teachers, and I had more fun watching her. 


Keith and I are closing on our first house together tomorrow. We have spent months and months (if not more) looking at houses. We finally found an area that we absolutely love for us and for Kinsley. I am excited about our new home and all the memories it will bring. I plan to post some before and after pictures when we get the house settled. But for the next couple weeks we will be tearing down wallpaper and painting and cleaning and packing and moving and unpacking and cleaning. It will be a lot of hard work but a lot of fun too!

By the time we get settled, my mom will be here visiting from Australia and then Kinsley will be turning one! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Waking up with a Smile

Kinsley woke up this weekend with nothing but a smile on her face. She loves looking over the crib bars and under the crib bars. After she played in her crib a little while, we pulled out all the toys and she went to town!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

First Pigtails

Kinsley's hair is starting to get long, so I last night I decided I would try give Kinsley some pigtails. Keith thought they looked more like devil horns, but regardless it is a start to something adorable. 

This is Kinsley walking. She actually walked about 8-10 steps by herself (holding onto the walker):