Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Fairy Tale

Last night was our "Halloween Block Party in the Street". Our street and the street next to us organize a march every year for Halloween. We start at the beginning of the street and march to the end of it where they have different games, jumping castles, food and drinks. I was surprised to the amount of people that showed up, which apparently was only half of what they normally have. Kinsley certainly had a blast, and I am really looking forward to next years march. 

Kinsley's fairy outfit:

I think she was amazed at how many kids there were. And they were all dressed up which made it even more interesting to her.

She loved her little bell that she got. She would walk down the street ringing it. 

Boy did she love the pizza. She wouldn't let Keith or I hold it for her.

She kept pointing to the differnt pictures on the jumping castle. 

There was a kid friendly haunted house and some of the games. 

The blow up slide. She was too little to go on it this year, but next year it's a must. 

At the end of the night the fairy got to ride home in her carriage. 

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