Friday, October 21, 2011

Picking out a Pumpkin with my little Pumpkin

This past Sunday Keith and I loaded Kinsley in her carrier and peddled our bikes to the pumpkin patch by our house. Kinsley took her time in picking the right pumpkin for us to later carve and put on our front step. 

She spent quite a bit of time going from pumpkin to pumpkin in search for the perfect one. She was so tired from searching, so she took a little break and sat with daddy, her charming prince. 

Soon it would be dark and time for dinner so
she bit her fingers, and continued the search for that perfect pumpkin.

There were so many pumpkins, but such little the search continued. 

until she finally found the perfect one.

We took the pumpkin home on our bikes, and later carved that perfect pumpkin.

Kinsley was so tired and dirty from searching for her pumpkin, she took a bath in an outside puddle. 

Of course that meant mommy had to give her and extra long real bath that night! But it was all worth the fun. 

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