Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Posting Comments

I have heard from a few people that my blog won't allow you to post comments. I messed around with the settings a little bit, so hopefully it will work now. Please provide feedback so I know. Thank you

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Shopping

It feels good to be pretty much completely done with Christmas shopping. I have to get 1 or 2 items, but for the most part I am done. I wish I could put all the presents under the tree, but I am afraid that either the dogs or Kinsley will get to them. Last year Maverick "happened" to have opened one of Keith's Christmas presents when I wasn't home. Lets just say I called BS on that one. Keith thought it was pretty funny, but I know he put Maverick up to it.

This year I am EXTREMELY excited about the Christmas presents I got. I put a lot of thought into my gifts this year (not to say that I don't every year). I can't wait to see how happy everyone will be. I thought I was going to be the most excited about Kinsley's gift, but now I am not sure. I am even really excited about the dogs Christmas present. Yes - I do get my dogs Christmas presents. Even though they can drive me crazy, they are still pretty good. Needless to say, Christmas is 3 weeks away, and I cannot wait.


Saturday, November 26, 2011


I posted so many picture's between the last 2 posts, that the first one I posted today went to the next page. Click on Older Posts (at the bottom) to see "My Little Artist" or under archives on the upper right hand side. 

Learning How to Water the Plants... Note: I did say LEARNING!

Kinsley wanted to learn how to water the plants today, so we gave it a shot. 

Even though she got most of the water on her, she did manage to get a little on the flowers. 

This one went straight to the shoes. Needless to say, they are still drying 10 hours later. 

I am still trying to teach her that the water pitcher doesn't sit on the plant, but is used to pour the water on the plant. This one might take a while. 

And again, pouring water on her...

until it's all gone...

every last drop...

until it's completely empty!

(look at those beautiful blue eyes)

And this is the end result.... totally soaked... from shirt to shorts, socks and shoes. 

And then a little play time with Maverick...

don't worry, whatever she is about to put in her mouth (probably dirt) didn't quite make it in. 

Thanksgiving Day

I love this little dress! 

And her crooked pigtails. 

Kinsley loves following Kaleb around....

and doing everything he does. 

Kaleb was collecting pine cones and putting them in the green pot. 

Kinsley soon followed. 

They went back and forth, back and forth until they got distracted with the next thing. 

The next thing.... taking dirt out of another pot, and putting cones in them. 

Kaleb was sweet enough to get Kinsley a cone. 

Kaleb trying to get something out of the tree. Kinsley picked up a stick and attempted herself. I don't think she knew what she was trying to get down. 

I love her little smile...

What a great Thanksgiving we had. We certainly have a  lot to be thankful for.