Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

I love this little dress! 

And her crooked pigtails. 

Kinsley loves following Kaleb around....

and doing everything he does. 

Kaleb was collecting pine cones and putting them in the green pot. 

Kinsley soon followed. 

They went back and forth, back and forth until they got distracted with the next thing. 

The next thing.... taking dirt out of another pot, and putting cones in them. 

Kaleb was sweet enough to get Kinsley a cone. 

Kaleb trying to get something out of the tree. Kinsley picked up a stick and attempted herself. I don't think she knew what she was trying to get down. 

I love her little smile...

What a great Thanksgiving we had. We certainly have a  lot to be thankful for. 

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

She is so beautiful!!!!