Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Shopping

It feels good to be pretty much completely done with Christmas shopping. I have to get 1 or 2 items, but for the most part I am done. I wish I could put all the presents under the tree, but I am afraid that either the dogs or Kinsley will get to them. Last year Maverick "happened" to have opened one of Keith's Christmas presents when I wasn't home. Lets just say I called BS on that one. Keith thought it was pretty funny, but I know he put Maverick up to it.

This year I am EXTREMELY excited about the Christmas presents I got. I put a lot of thought into my gifts this year (not to say that I don't every year). I can't wait to see how happy everyone will be. I thought I was going to be the most excited about Kinsley's gift, but now I am not sure. I am even really excited about the dogs Christmas present. Yes - I do get my dogs Christmas presents. Even though they can drive me crazy, they are still pretty good. Needless to say, Christmas is 3 weeks away, and I cannot wait.


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