Monday, January 9, 2012

Four day weekend

I had a great four day weekend! I spent half of it getting things done that I have been wanting to get done for a while now. I spent the other half with the family. Maverick and Bacchus got to run free behind our house. Kinsley really enjoys watching them run around... especially Maverick. We also spent some time at the park and Keith, Kinsley and I rode our bikes to the square and had dinner. I love going by River Rd at night because they have lights on the trees and it looks so beautiful. I will have to take a picture and post it.

I also spent the weekend decorating and accessorizing my formal living room. I'm not done yet, but I am getting closer. I finally found some pillows and drapes. I saved so much on my drapes thanks to Lindsay. The pillows aren't the exact ones I wanted, but they work pretty well. The ones I wanted were just way to big for our couch. Now I just have to find art for entry way table and some for next to the windows. I also have to get our chair recovered. A few tweaks on the accessories and we will be done. It sounds pretty easy, but I am having a really hard time with the art, especially the big piece that will go over the entry table. I can't find anything with the colors I need, a picture I like and the size I want. I will post some new pictures soon on the progress I have made. And hopefully they will included my new art work! =)

I hope everyone has a great week!

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