Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kaleb and Kinsley

Kaleb and Kinsley got a lot of play time in on Saturday. They are extremely entertaining to watch together. Here are a few adorable pictures of them.

Showing teeth for a big cheesy smile:

Look how long Kinsley's hair is getting. (This isn't the best picture to show how long her hair is, but it gives you and idea):

Oh, how I love kids. It is just so sweet to know how innocent they are and how the simplest things give them so much joy. If only they knew how much joy they give us.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Photo's By Lindsay

These photos were taken for our home made snow globe:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Look at those curls

Wagon ride

Valentine's Day gifts

Here are Kinsley's Valentine's Day cards:

Here is our Valentine's Day gift to daddy:

It's a home made snow globe with snow and tiny red hearts (you might not be able to see them). 
PS to Keith: the tomato sauce we used on our pizza came from this jar... that's why the tomato sauce was in tupperware. =)

Home made pizza

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Never ending TO DO list

I feel like my TO DO list never ends. As I cross things off the list I add more on. I guess it's mostly my fault, but I'm struggling to keep up. Hopefully I will get out of my Dr. appointment early tomorrow and then I can get some stuff done. The exciting but stressful part of my list is to finalize our addition draft and meet with one or two more contractors. I would like to start the addition as soon as possible because I am expecting it to take 9 months or more. I want it to be done ASAP.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The best part about my morning: Keith grabbed Kinsley at 5:30 this morning when she woke up. She was cuddled up with him in our bed for a little bit when she poked her head up and started patting around for me. When her hand finally touched me she climbed off of Keith and onto me. I got a good 15 minutes of cuddle time with her.

The second best part about my morning: While I was getting ready, Keith made Kinsley and I chocolate chip pancakes (my favorite). I had to remind Kinsley that I had him first. :) Of course she ended up eating her breakfast on daddy's lap (I think she was trying to make me jealous).

The third best part about my morning: The big hug and kiss Kinsley and I got from Kaleb.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Snow Day

Snow Day was at Kinsley's school on January 25th. I thought that it was really cool that the school did that. First, they made all the kids line up on the wall while they pumped the snow onto one of their playgrounds. Once they were done pumping the snow the kids went wild. Kinsley was a little unsure about the snow at first, but she started to warm up to it.


 I am super excited. So remember when I mentioned in a previous post about my "great ideas"? Well, one of those "great idea's" I thought of all on my own with no help from the Internet. I used the Internet to execute my idea, but the thought was 100% mine. I came up with the idea to write and illustrate a book for my mom as well as Keith's parents. This was Kinsley's Christmas present to them. It took me a couple months to figure it all out... from the words, to the illustrations (I am no artist), to actually having the book printed. When I finally saw the final product, I was thrilled. Here is where the "I am super excited" part comes in. One of my co-workers happen to see my book and wanted to know if they would be able to get one. So, as of today, I am pleased to say I have sold my VERY FIRST book! Yay!

This one was for Keith's parents:

This one was for my mom:
(Yaya is Greek in case you were wondering)

And this one is my very first order (and probably my only):

When I came up with this idea, it was not my intention to sell it. But hey, it feels good! I certainly hope that everyone enjoys them as much as I enjoyed making them.