Monday, March 19, 2012

Yard day

Keith, Kinsley and I had a very productive Sunday. We were up at 7:30 and go go go for the rest of the day. It was a great day. Any time you can spend time as a family and get your to-do list done, it's a great day. We went grocery shopping, cleaned house, washed both cars inside and out, washed both dogs and their beds and did the rest of the laundry in between. Then it was lunch time and after Kinsley went down for a nap. While Kinsley was napping Keith and I did a bunch of yard work. After she woke up she came out and helped us with the rest of the yard work. After we were done with all the cleanup I went inside and starting making the Friendship Bread that was given to us by our neighbor. Keith started on dinner and by the time we were done we were exhausted. It was a nice surprise when Mr. and Mrs. Potter stopped by after dinner. We even got to enjoy all our hard work in our courtyard.

Also, Friday was the official start to our addition. Although it will probably be about 2-3 months before they start building, I paid my first fee and signed the paperwork. We have to wait for the city to approve of us building before we can begin. So here is what our yard looks like now and I will kinda give you an idea of what we will be doing.

This tree will be gone... soon! This is Keith's chore that he probably isn't so excited about:

The addition will be approximately 400 sq ft that will be built on to the back of the detached garage. This picture shows you the back of the garage.

This is what the back looks like now. It's an eye sore. Those tool sheds will be gone and replaced with one tool shed that will be built as apart of the addition.

This corner will one day (hopefully sooner than later) have Kinsley's play house and garden. My plan is to put the play house in the middle and have a small garden on either side and surround it by a white picket fence. I'm not sure that I have Keith completly on board yet, but I am determined to give Kinsley a play house. I remember when I was little my aunt had a play house on her property and I played in it with my cousins for the longest time. I want Kinsley to have those memories too.

Last weekend Keith and I did some work in the front yard. This is what it looks like now:

Here are a few of the flowers we planted this weekend:

This is one of my favorites:

This is our new lemon tree:

We also planted some flowers in between the steps up to the deck:

Kinsley took a little break and went for a swing while Maverick laid close to her:

Most of the pots and accessories were left by the previous owners. This was one of them:

As well as this one:

Here is the view from the top of our stairs outside our sunroom/den:

Keith and I have big plans for our backyard, and this is just the start. Once the addition is done (apx 6-7 months) we will finish planting and landscaping. I am sure I will provided plenty of updates along the way until it is done (if it is ever really done).

Life's a Beach

Saturday Keith, Kinsley and I went to the beach. I had a wonderful time. I got to lay out for a little bit and catch a few rays. Kinsley really enjoyed playing with her bucket and toys in the sand. We also went down to the water, which Kinsley wasn't so fond of. After we packed up the car, we walked down to the volleyball tournament that was on the beach. We than went to lunch and Kinsley had her first PB&J. She would dip her finger in the jelly and lick it off so she didn't actually eat the whole thing. All in all, Saturday was a great day. I had loads of fun hanging out as a family.

Here are some pictures from the beach:

Kinsley is debating whether or not to cross over the puddle of water:

Daddy came to the rescue:

Look at her adorable curls. Her hair is getting so long:

Friday, March 9, 2012


Keith and I went to Michael Jackson Cirqu De Soleil last night, and it was awesome. We normally don't go to these type of things, but I thought it would be something different. I am glad we went though because it was a great performance! Our seats we pretty awesome too! It's just amazing what they can do.

Here is a quick clip on the show: 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

3:30 Wake-up call

Keith, Kinsley and I have been up since 3:30 this morning. It's only 7:30 and my eyes are already so tired. Kinsley had a little cough. After hacking for 30 minutes or so I guess she decided she wasn't going back to sleep. It was pointless to go back to bed being that both Keith and I had to get up for work soon. I must admit that I had fun laying in bed and goofing off with Keith and Kinsley. Kinsley can make us laugh for hours and hours. So, I guess the plus side of it was that we got a little family time in this morning. The down side is that I have very heavy eyes and a long day ahead of me. And of course this was Kinsley on the way to school.....

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spending the day with Kaleb and Nole

Kinsley, Kaleb and Nole spent most of the day together on Saturday. They really had a great time playing with each other. Even Nole had quite a few laughs. 

Nole was playing on his play-mat and Kinsley and Kaleb decided to jump in and lay next to him. Thats when the giggles started.

After nap time, Kinsley and Kaleb played outside. They kicked the ball around, and then Kaleb rode his bike. 

Hanging out with Uncle Keith and Grandpa Potter:

Kinsley gave Nole a little kiss before we left:

And then the kisses just kept on coming:

I got one quick picture of the three of them:

and then back to the kisses:

As always, we had a blast hanging out with them.