Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spending the day with Kaleb and Nole

Kinsley, Kaleb and Nole spent most of the day together on Saturday. They really had a great time playing with each other. Even Nole had quite a few laughs. 

Nole was playing on his play-mat and Kinsley and Kaleb decided to jump in and lay next to him. Thats when the giggles started.

After nap time, Kinsley and Kaleb played outside. They kicked the ball around, and then Kaleb rode his bike. 

Hanging out with Uncle Keith and Grandpa Potter:

Kinsley gave Nole a little kiss before we left:

And then the kisses just kept on coming:

I got one quick picture of the three of them:

and then back to the kisses:

As always, we had a blast hanging out with them.

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