Saturday, June 23, 2012

A week of firsts!

  • Kinsley said "I hear airplane" instead of "I see airplane". I am trying to teach her the difference between hearing something and seeing something and today was the first time she said it right.

  • This week she had her first shower.

  • Her first piece of bacon was this morning...which she loved (just like her mommy) and she asked for more. 

  • She has just starting figuring out when Keith or I are at work. When we sat down for dinner the other night and Keith was at work, Kinsley said "daddy at work". Apparently she did the same with Keith when I was at work on Friday.

  • She climbed in the bed at nap time and said "night night" and actually went to sleep... twice now! Keith or I didn't even have to ask!

  • I asked Kinsley to find my car in the parking lot and she did. I now owe her $5.00.

  • If I am leaving the room for a second, I always tell Kinsley that I will be right back so she doesn't follow me everywhere. All this week Kinsley will leave the room to grab something and she says "be right back" and motions for you to stay. 

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