Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Disney 2013

Keith and I took Kinsley to Disney for her 3rd birthday. As a special treat we took her to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique to get made into the princess of her dreams. It was no surprise that she picked Cinderella. 

The transformation started with a Royal Invitation:

Then it was off to Disney. We took the boat the first time:

This was her face when she saw the castle:

Our first order of business was to meet the Princesses. While we were waiting, Kinsley entertained us with a dance:

Patiently waiting for her turn:

Here she was telling Rapunzel that she was turning 3:

Aurora showed Kinsley how to twirl like a princess:

And for her FAVORITE Princess of them all, Cinderella:

She was the only Princess that got a hug from Kinsley:

And a cuddle:

Kinsley was showing Cinderella her curtsy:


The next order of business was the castle. Kinsley was over joyed at the site of the castle that she started dancing (again):

And then she was sad when it was time to move on:

We then rode some rides and then found a spot by the castle to watch the parade. While we waited, Kinsley enjoyed her ice cream.

We had an AMAZING time. We added more memories to our collection and it was a trip that (hopefully) Kinsley will never forget. 

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

I LOVED every picture but of course Cinderella and Princess Kinsley was the best. WOW is all I can say!!!!