Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day Weekend 2013

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Labor Day weekend. 

Here is a little of what we did with our 3 day weekend:

Saturday was a beach and pool day with friends:
(it was our first time paddle boarding as well)

Sunday was a day filled with friends. We had brunch with friends, a birthday party with friends, and a play date with friends. Here are a few pictures from Kailey's birthday party:

Look at all those Princesses:

Play date with the Birds:

Monday was another day spent at the beach and the pool:

I love these pictures... they were having so much fun:



Here is Keith on the paddle board:
(The second day he did much better. I was a natural =))

Fun with cousins:
(how sweet is this?)

It was a fun 3 day weekend spent with friends and family!!! 

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

I just love those three little ones.