Tuesday, June 10, 2014

5 year anniversary

Keith and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary on May 30th, 2014. I can honestly say it has been the best 5 years of my life. So much has happened in the last 5 years. I got a career vs a job. I got my health back thanks to Keith. Keith has become a paramedic. He placed high on his promotional exam and is next in line to be promoted within the fire department. He has also gone back to school and is still there and on his way to becoming a nurse. We had Kinsley, the greatest milestone of all. We brought our first home together. We lost a member of our family, Bacchus. We have traveled to places we have never seen. Tried things we have never tried. We have done so much in 5 years and we have done it all together. I am looking forward to the next 5 years and many more!

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

Congratulations to you both. The years ahead get better and better. Enoy!!! We Love You, Aunt Pat and Uncle Larry