Monday, July 7, 2014

Family Beach Day

Keith, Kinsley and I went to the beach this weekend. Grandpa and Grandma also joined us, which was a real treat. Kinsley had so much fun with everyone there, that we are hoping to make it a tradition.

Kinsley is getting so much better in the ocean. Each time she will go further and further out. Here is Daddy holding her in the ocean:

Here she is coving herself in sand. I love her expression:

We always make a castle or something unique with sand, shells and whatever else we can find. This beach adventure we made a mermaid. Just keep in mind that I never said we were artist:

Grandma and Kinsley collecting shells:

Grandpa watching Keith surf:

Back to building a castle:

A few family shots:

And Keith went back at it:

Kinsley had to run to catch up. She wanted to go surfing too. She ended up going on the board for a little bit. She just lays her belly on the board and rides the wave in. I unfortunately didn't get any pictures of that as Keith helps her on the board and guides her to the shore, where I catch her. I also rode a few waves on my belly. Unfortunately no one was at the shore to catch me. lol. Maybe one day soon I will have the courage to stand up. 

Here is Kinsley splashing Grandpa:

Followed by him chasing her:

We love our beach adventures. They are very low key and simple. Not much to them. But we get to spend time as a family which is very important to us. We were very happy that Grandpa and Grandma joined this time. And when Yia Yia comes in August, she can come too. 

(Kinsley wanted to help me type, so she wrote the message below)

eurfhfrfjughifrlurfrkeeeorojrfhcf ,esoiretweeuel3eeu3yewrg21gr3263y te53ytujye3ywayugquyu

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

Beautiful family, beautiful day!!