Sunday, July 6, 2014


 4th of July was a great day, other than the fact that Daddy had to work. Kinsley and I started the day together, which is always fun! 

I love her RED, WHITE & BLUE outfit: 

Later on in the day I met up with my friends and we rode our bikes around the beach in true 4th of July tradition  (at least in Jacksonville).

This is a small fraction of people who were participating in bike riding tradition:

We even made it on Miller on Sports. Whatever that is:

There's always time for a quick selfie:

After I picked up Kinsley, we went home and ended the night with pizza and a movie and then we all (including maverick) rode around and watched the fireworks:

Maverick does not like fireworks so he was glued to me all night:

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

Sounds like an awesome 4th..Love you all.