Monday, January 19, 2015

A day on our street

One of the perks of living on our street is that there are over 12 children that are close in age to Kinsley. Most days they are all playing outside. This particular day Kinsley wanted to show me how she has been practicing playing tee ball (in her princess dress of course).

First thing is first, she pick some flowers for me which is almost a daily occurrence:

And then it got down to business:

Daddy's turn:

Mommy's turn:

Keith was playing with my camera and snapped this lovely (not) shot.... my face say's it all:

Back to Kinsley's turn:

After Kinsley was done showing me her skills, she wanted to go across the street and play with her friends:

The older girls put on a little puppet show for us:

And then it was the mommies turn:

And after all that sitting they ran wild for a little. Kinsley caught a lizard and all the girls followed, catching lizards and bugs and putting them in an box or an "exhibit".

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