Sunday, January 18, 2015

Disney World 2014

Keith and I decided to take Kinsley to Disney World as apart of her Christmas present and more importantly, some good quality family time. This year was very exciting for Kinsley because she meet the most princesses in one day. She also got to see Elsa and Anna freeze the castle.

Kinsley watching a show:

Kinsley playing a game while waiting for the Seven Dwarfs ride:

Kinsley got to drive the race car:

Kinsley finally got her Disney ice cream she had been talking about for months:

We saw this same show about 4 times. It was a hit with Kinsley:

We got to watch the parade up close and personal:

While we were waiting for Elsa to freeze the castle, Kinsley put on a show for everyone and showed us her ballet moves:

This was the ending to the nights final show and the beginning to Elsa freezing the castle:

Here is Elsa freezing the castle:

Kinsley hanging out in the hotel lobby:

This next morning we went to the Gay Lord Palms for breakfast and Kinsley had her first taste of cereal:

And then we went exploring:

We top of our weekend getaway with ICE!:

ICE! is an exhibit with everything carved out of ice... and it is 9 degrees:

They even have ice slides:

Yet another good family trip filled with lots of good memories! 

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