Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas at my house

I love our tree. It took a little longer decorating it this year... probably because I had a 15 month old under my feet for half the time. At least next year she can actually help mommy hang decorations. I will probably wait for the week of Christmas before I actually put the presents under the tree. Better safe than sorry!

our new rug:

our new pictures above the bar:

Our first fire in our new home was a few nights ago. It was nice to have the whole family (including the dogs) sit in front of the fireplace and enjoy the warmth. The second night we had the fire going it was a little smokey... hopefully Keith will figure out why.

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love the colors and lights. Your Christmas decorations and tree are beautiful!!! Can't wait to see the Christmas pictures.