Monday, August 13, 2012

A day at the zoo

Keith and I took Kinsley to the zoo this weekend. She seems to be very interested in animals when we read her books and I thought she was at the age where she could distinguish the difference between all the animals (which she did a pretty good job of). She certainly had a good time, and I am sure we will go again soon (maybe when it's a little cooler outside).


I think the elephants where her favorite. We were leaving the elephants to go see the next animal and she turned around and ran back to see them again.

She also really enjoyed the lions. This was her watching the "mommy lion go night night".

Kinsley and I fed the giraffes. Last time we tried to feed them she freaked out. I think she was a little too young and she wasn't sure what it was. This time she had no fear.

Our last stop was the playground!

It's always nice to see Kinsley running around with a smile on her face. It was also a good learning experience for her. She was very impressive and was able to name most of the animals. If she didn't know it, we would tell her and she would try her best to repeat it.


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