Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Kinsley's 2nd Birthday Party

We had a great 2nd birthday party for Kinsley this past weekend. We think she had a good time... at least we hope she did. Our theme was pink and green butterflies. Here are some pictures from the party (thanks to Lindsay and Kendall who took a bunch for us).

a big thanks to Cindy at Publix who made Kinsley's beautiful butterfly cake:

this is my deadly delicious vodka strawberry lemonade drink (all freshly squeezed):

at one point Kinsley just stood in front of all the food and kept eating and eating....

that cake must be good...

And when it was all said and done and after multiple sugar highs, she was done:

We want to thank everyone for joining us in celebrating Kinsley turning 2 (especially Uncle Larry and Aunt Pat who drove a long way). Also, thank you to everyone for Kinsley's birthday gifts...we truly appreciate it! She loved every single gift she received and got to play with all of them later that night.

Lastly, we want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Potter for allowing us to have yet another birthday party at their house. Also, thank you for allowing a water slide in your beautifully taken care of yard! Thank you to Aunt Pat, Mrs. Potter, Lindsay and Natalie for helping set up or clean up! All the help we very much appreciated!

PS. Yaya was in our thoughts on this special day! We can't wait to see you in October!

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