Sunday, April 28, 2013

The wind in her hair and the sand in her toes

Kinsley and I went to the beach today while daddy was at work. It was a beautiful day filled with lots of giggles. 

Kinsley wasted no time kicking her shoes off:

I love this little outfit for the beach:

Kinsley took a quick peek at the waves before heading down:

Then she was overcome with excitement and starting running and screaming:

Again, she was overcome with excitement and starting jumping up and down and screaming "the beach, the beach":

Before I knew it she was off with her clothes and running wild:

Literally running wild:

Here she is "sun bathing":

Once she found this post, she didn't leave it. It was her anchor that kept the waves from sucking her in:

Oh how I love her cheesy smiles:

making splashes:

Looking for shells and other treasures:

I can tell the beach is going to be a weekly event. As I am putting Kinsley to bed, she told me we were going to the beach tomorrow. I had to remind her that Mommy has to go to work! At least I know she had a good time, as I did myself! 

A rare picture of Keith and I

 What can I say ... he's a pretty lucky guy! 

Maverick photo bombed our picture! 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

School Festival

The school behind our house had a festival yesterday. It's so cool that we open our back fence and land right in the middle of it. Kinsley had a blast running around, going down the slide, jumping in the bounce house and getting her face painted. She enjoyed it so much, she threw a fit when it was time to leave. 

Jumping in the bounce house:

Hiding behind her face painting ticket:

watching the other girls get their face painted while she patiently waited for her turn:

after she got her face painted, she danced:


since she pitched a fit when it was time to leave, we let her go down the slide one more time: