Monday, April 22, 2013

Family day

We took Maverick and Kinsley behind the house to the schools back yard on Saturday. This is a win win for Keith and I because Kinsley and Maverick both get tired from running around. Kinsley did some gymnastic moves with the help of Daddy.

We can't forget about Maverick!

Kinsley's finishing move:

And then we were off to the playground:

After getting them both tired it was our turn to burn off some energy, so Keith and I did a little workout. While we did that, Kinsley made some art for us.

Kinsley insisted on taking her shirt off because Daddy had just taken his off to workout. Like father like daughter =)

Then Kinsley decided to put on Daddy's boxing gloves:

While Kinsley took a nap, I went off to take pictures of a wedding. Keith took Kinsley to the movies later that day for her very first time, which she absolutely loved. I was so sad I missed out on a "first" but I was glad that Kinsley had a special day with her Daddy and I was able to get a little experience under my belt. All in all, it was another great day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pics home cooking...I think kins and I are going to invite you to our next movie...pending behavior warrants it