Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easter Day 2013

Easter was wonderful this year. Kinsley is at the point where she understands what is going on and she can make sense of everything. So when she enjoys the little things, I enjoy them.

First we exchanged Easter baskets:

And then we were off to hunt Easter eggs:


This was an attempt to get a picture of all three of them. It didn't work so well:

I saw Nole clinging to his Momma so I grabbed a quick shot:

And then we were off to fly kites:

She was so excited to fly kites. She kept jumping up and down and running in circles screaming "my kite, my kite":

This is Kalebs kite:

This one is Kinsley's:

A rare picture of Kinsley and I:

Though it looks like she is sulking in the next two pictures, she is not. She just can't leave Kaleb alone and wanted to be close to him:

A precious picture of Kinsley's funny bunny:

Kinsley and Daddy splashing in the pool:

I love pictures like these:

Here they are splashing water on each other. Kinsley was saying "you got me wet":

 Here she was getting the water out of his hands because she knew it was about to go on her:

After daddy got her wet, we had to put her in something dry:

And then she went to pick some fruit from Grandma's garden:

That was our Easter day. I hope everyone else's was just as enjoyable! 

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