Thursday, December 27, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Activities: Day 1

Day 1 was CHRISTMAS!!!

When Kinsley woke up there was a note from Tinsel saying that she had to go back to the North Pole and that she would be back next year.

Also, Santa must have enjoyed the cookies and milk because they were all gone.

Look at all the presents Santa left:

And now for the fun part:

Kinsley got a Cinderella dress from Santa and had to put it on right away (and it stayed on most of the day):

Candy Land board game was a gift from Yaya. We are looking forward to family game night:

Also, Kinsley got 4 pairs of princess shoes from Yaya. This pair matched her dress:

A princess and an athlete... thats my girl! =)

Daddy got a little something too. I myself got spoiled thanks to Keith and my mom. You guys are amazing!

It didn't stop at our house. Papa and Nana's house was filled with just as much joy. It seems Santa made a delivery there too.

The grand finale was upstairs! Kinsley got an easel from Papa and Nana and I am so excited (as I am sure Kinsley is too). We love doing crafts together so I can’t wait for her to paint on her easel. I might have to try it out too.

Then we had some outside time so the boys could try out their new toys.

Well, we finally got the dress. She is such a daddy's little girl:

Kinsley singing with her princess karaoke machine:

Look at those curls:

She is so elegant:

I love it when she laughs:

We had a great Christmas this year. It was Kinsley's first Christmas that she understood what was going on. She still asks where Tinsel is and I have to remind her that Tinsel went back to the North Pole. Just this morning she asked me again. I made a sad face and said "she is gone". Kinsley looked at me and said "it's okay, she will be back next year" and then she gave me a big hug. What a sweet kid. She also will show me a new toy she got and say "Santa got me a present". She makes my heart smile.

I hope everyone had a very

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