Saturday, December 1, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Activities: Day 25

Today is the first day of our "25 Days of Christmas Activities". On the 25th day we got to meet the "Elf on the Shelf", read her story and give her a name. We named her Tinsel. This is the first year of the "Elf on the Shelf" tradition in the Potter house and I am so excited. One of the rules of the "Elf on the Shelf" is not to touch the Elf which unfortunately Kinsley already broke. I figured I would let her break the rules this year, but starting next year we will try to enforce them. 

So, here is how my "25 Days of Christmas Activities" work: In every door there is a piece of paper. On every piece of paper there is an activity. Each day Kinsley gets to open the appropriate door and we do the activity for that day. Today was the introduction/meeting of our Elf, Tinsel. 

What will tomorrow be? 

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