Friday, December 7, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Activities: Day 19

Tinsel got into Kinsley's coloring book last night:

Day 19 we had another family game night which was hide and seek. This has to be my favorite activity so far. We had some good laughs.

Keith is showing Kinsley how to count to number 19:

Kinsley and I hid together first and then Keith and Kinsley hid. I found them in our shower:

Another time I found them hiding in her tent:

My last hiding spot was so good that Keith and Kinsley actually gave up (and left me hiding without telling me they gave up). Thanks guys! 

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

I can't tell you how much I love reading the blog and seeing the pictures. I feel I'm there each day to participate in her count down to Christmas. It is absolutely adorable.