Wednesday, December 5, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Activities: Day 21

This morning Kinsley found Tinsel in the kitchen cabinet. Kinsley always helps me make her breakfast in the mornings (if she is actually awake). When she went to go get her plate out of the cabinet she found Tinsel stuck in a glass. The credit for this one goes to Keith! It's really cool to see him get into it too. =)

Day 21 Kinsley and I went through all of her clothes and toys. If it didn't fit or if it was an old toy that she didn't play with anymore, we put it in a bag, took it to Goodwill and donated it. She may not completely understand the purpose of this now, but it's never too early to start. She was actually (surprisingly) very helpful and cooperative. She told me which toys she wanted to keep and which ones she wanted to give away. I am very proud of Kinsley and I hope that she will grow up to realize that she is a very lucky girl and it's important to give back, even in the smallest ways. 

Can you tell the baby was a MUST keep? lol

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

This one thing means so much to so many others that aren't as lucky to have you and Keith as their parents. It's such a wonderful lesson.