Sunday, April 22, 2012

Daddy's busy bee...

Fruit Pops

Keith and I don't like to give Kinsley sweets, but I also don't want to deprive her. I found this idea on Pinterest on how to make fruit pops. I blended blueberries for the first layer, than milk and yogurt for the middle, and then strawberries as the third layer. I had to freeze each layer before adding the next. I must admit they were pretty good. 

I made a second batch, but a little different. This time I blended the blueberries, strawberries, milk and yogurt all together but adding a little more yogurt this time (and a drop of nectar/honey). When Kinsley wakes up from her nap we will try this one. 

After Kinsley was covered in the fruit pops it was time for a bath. I turned my head for one second and she climbed in the bath with her diaper and shorts on. 

After bath time Kinsley tried to be a big girl by dressing herself. She is not quite there yet as she is trying to put her shorts on her head. 

And then it was time for a story, so Kinsley picked out a book and mommy had to read it at least ten time! 

It was a pretty fun evening hanging out with my girl! 

She knows good music...

Big girl bed

Kinsley is now sleeping in a big girl bed!

Monday, April 16, 2012


See "older posts" as there is more on the next page.


Playing with chalk

After we left our friends house, Kinsley took her nap. When she woke up we decided not to waste a beautiful day. We went outside and played with our sidewalk chalk Kinsley got for Easter.

Thought we would be a little goofy:

Keith, Cara, Kinsley:

Kinsley and I then went to the park. Kinsley had her afternoon snack and then was off to play:

Here's where Kinsley says "I see you...":

Girls just wanna have fun!

Yesterday was an awesome day. Kinsley and I went over to our friends house and hung out by the pool. Kinsley and Marianna had a blast hanging out. It's always fun to watch them interact with each other.

Kinsley was determined to take her Funny Bunny in the pool with her. Needless to say we took home a soaking wet bunny and she pasted out with it in the car.

We then decided to put the slide in the pool. The girls loved this and could have done it for hours. It probably wore us out more than it did them.

Look at their faces. It's priceless!

The girls had so much fun, and so did I.